Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Sayang kamoo wahai buddies sekalian........ble nk hangout lg ni.....nk gossip2 lg nk gelak2 smpai muntah darah lg...ahahahahaha n yg plg penting nk kenakn ejah lg...cian kwn aku yg sorg ni slalu jd bhn nk kenakn pe....U're THE BEST EJAH!!!!!!!!

ble jumpa blk t'ingt blk memory zmn sek dl2 @pn zmn kegemilngn , kenakln muda mudi dl...mcm2 ragam ada....rindu gler kt sume 2....nilh aksi2 yg sempat di snap oleh camerawomen xleh pkai ain yg suka amik pic senyap2 ala paparazi w/pape pn thanks ain 4 take this pic...credit 4 ain!!!!!

ejah ku sayang...;p

@ kenduri umah naim

wif them that always make me happy..;)

"A friend is someone who knows the song in ur heart, and can sing it back to u when u have forgotten the words"


  1. wei
    perlu ker ko nak upload gmba aku mkn 2
    aku bnh ko kang
    jht gle korg nie

  2. sorry jah br check blog ni...x persan lak ko ada comment kt cni...sbb aku syg kolh aku add picture ko kt situ...syg sgt..!! mmuahh! :))


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